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iPhone (iOS 15 and later)

The instructions below explain how to add an email account using an iPhone with iOS 15 and later.

1) On your iPhone's home screen, go to Settings

2) From settings, go to "Mail"

iPhone add account on iOS 15


3) In the Mail section, go to "Accounts"

iPhone add account on iOS 15


4) Under Accounts, click on "Add Account"

iPhone add account on iOS 15


5) On the next screen choose "Other"

iPhone add account on iOS 15


6) Pick "Add Mail Account"

iPhone add account on iOS 15


7) On the next screen enter your name, email, password and description. The description can be anything as it's only for your reference. Then press "Next" in the top right

iPhone add account on iOS 15


8) On the next screen, complete the fields as follows:-

IMAP or POP: Make sure IMAP is selected

Name: Your name as you want it to appear when you email people

Email: Your email address (must be an email address on this account)

Description: For your use only (nobody else will see it).

Incoming mail server

Host Name:
Username: Your email account username (its usually your email address)
Password: Your email password

Outgoing mail server

Host Name:
Username: Your email account username (its usually your email address)
Password: Your email password


9) Then press the "Next" button on the top right.

NOTE - Your phone may say "VERIFYING" for quite some time (often several minutes). This is normal; you'll have to wait unfortunately.

iPhone add account on iOS 15


10) If you get the below error message, press "Yes"

iPhone add account on iOS 15


11) If you get the following error message, then press OK

Note - if you did get this error message it is usually because your internet service provider (whoever is providing your internet connection) is blocking outbound email (eg port 25) and you will need to follow some additional steps after finishing the remaining steps below.

Again, if it says "VERIFYING" for ages, this is normal.

iPhone add account on iOS 15


12) At the bottom of the screen, if you get this error message, press "Save"

iPhone add account on iOS 15


13) When you reach the screen below, press "Save" on the top right

iPhone add account on iOS 15


14) If you received an error message about the SMTP server not responding in step 11, then you will need to follow some additional instructions to get around your internet provider blocking outbound email on the standard port 25.

Please click here for these instructions:-

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