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How do I change my address, contact details, or opening times on Google?
The address, contact details, opening times etc which display in Google (eg in the Google Business / Maps / search), aren't details we have control of unfortunately. To change them, you would need to log into the Google account that is associated to the Google My Business listing at

In most cases your Google Business listing would have been set up in one of the following ways:-

1) By yourself
If you set it up yourself, try logging into your Google account where you should be able to change the details. You can find out more information on Google s support page for changing your address, which is:- 

2) By a third party acting for you
If somebody else set up your address on Google for you, then the address may only be editable from their account. If so, ask them to change the address for you. You can find out more information on Google s support page at:-

3) By Google, automatically
In which case you ll need to claim your location. Please see information on Google s page at the link below for instructions on doing this:-

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