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How to change the alignment of an inserted photo/image (and other properties) on the web site manager

Step 1)

For an image you’ve already inserted

If you want to change the alignment or properties of a photo that you’ve already inserted, then firstly click on the image in the content editor to select it. Then click on the image icon on the toolbar.

For a new image

If this is a new image, click on the image icon on the toolbar.

Step 2)

· If this is a new image, you can select or upload the image by clicking on the folder icon (point 1 in the screenshot below)

· You can change the alignment of the picture from the alignment drop down menu (point 2 in the screenshot below). How this would appear is demonstrated in the box at the bottom (point 3 in the screenshot below)

· You can also add things like a border, and spacing using the other options on this page.

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