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Android 2.3 (known as Gingerbread)

How to setup your email on Android 2.3 (known as Gingerbread)

These instructions show you how to configure your email account with ph9 / uporium / Antiques Web Design. To set up non-ph9 / uporium / Antiques Web Design email accounts, contact the company that has provided you with that email account

Please read the following BEFORE proceeding:-

  • Please make sure you follow these instructions in every detail otherwise they might not work.

  • All Android devices differ slightly as the manufacturers customise Android for each phone/tablet they make. The instructions and pictures shown below have been created using an original version of Android from Google. Your phone or tablet may be a little bit different so when using the instructions below should things appear a bit different you may need to use a tiny bit of initiative. If you get really stuck then please contact your phone/tablet instruction manual or consult with the company that provided your phone/tablet and show them this guide.

  • We are only an email service provider, and do not provide the email software which runs on the Android software which runs on your device as it is made by Google rather than us, so please note:-
    • Contact the company that provided your phone / tablet
    • If you have problems with it or if it doesn't work correctly please either contact Apple or you may be better contacting our IT Support partners Them Digital who provide computer and IT Support Services. You can contact them on or on +44 (0)20 7490 2163. They charge for their services separately.

The instructions below are accompanied by screenshots. In the screenshots we have highlighted the sections you need to click on in red

Firstly, click on the Launcher at the bottom of the screen and navigate to your email app.

If you already have an email account set up....

Then you will see a screen which looks like the one below. If so, follow these instructions and continue on to the `If you don`t have any email accounts set up already....` section where they meet. Otherwise please skip this section and go straight from the `If you don`t have any email accounts set up already....` section.

On this screen you will see your currently selected email account. Press the Menu button on your Android phone to bring up the display shown on the following screenshot, and select the `Accounts` tab:

Once this tab has been selected the previous screen will appear, showing all of your currently linked email accounts.

Press the menu button again to bring up the next display, and select the `Add Account` option:

If you don`t have any email accounts set up already....

1) You will be prompted for a email address and password. This is the username and password sent to you in your ph9 / uporium / Antiques Web Design welcome pack or supplied to you subsequently by ph9 / uporium / Antiques Web Design. If you can`t remember your login credentials please click here.

Enter your username in the email address field. Once these details have been entered press `Manual Setup` to continue.

2) Select the email account type as IMAP

3) Incoming Server settings:

Fill in the corresponding fields as below:

Username: This is your username from your welcome pack
Password: This should have been copied over from the first screen - if not then re-enter the password in your welcome pack
IMAP server:
Port: 143
Security Type: None

Once all the information above is correctly entered press next to continue

4) Outgoing Server settings:

Fill in the corresponding fields as below

SMTP server:
Port: 25
Security Type: None
Require Sign-in: Yes
Username: This is your username from your ph9 / uporium / Antiques Web Design welcome pack
Password: This should have been copied over from the first screen - if not then re-enter the password supplied to you by ph9 / uporium / Antiques Web Design

Once all the information above is correctly entered press next to continue

5) Account options:

The following options are all based on preference - do note that setting an inbox checking frequency can impact on your phone`s battery life, especially on more frequent intervals.

Once you are happy with the choices you have made press next to continue. You will eventually be brought to your email account`s inbox and all the lastest emails will be loaded into it.

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