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Websites created since 2014 (Legacy platform)
Note - We also offer custom designed email marketing mailshots. Please contact us for details!

Firstly log into your web site manager and click on the "Clients and mailings" section. Then click on the "Send an Email Mailing" link to send an email mailing.

1) Choose whether you want to use a template - To send an email mailout you can either choose a template you have previously created, or leave this drop down blank and just design a new mailshot.

2) Enter in a name for the mailshot. This is only for your reference

3) Mailshot Criteria - You can select to send the mailshot to everyone in your mailing list, certain categories of people that you have specified or specific individuals which have been picked out by yourself.

Once you are happy with the initial settings of the mailshot click ‘Next Step to continue.

4) Mailshot Customisation

This page allows you to make final tweaks to the mailshot before it is sent out – it has the same functionality as the template creator.

5) Sending a Test Mailshot

It is good practice to always send a test mailshot before sending out the final version to ensure that it appears as intended when received and read through an e-mail program. To do this click the ‘Send Test Email button – a pop up will appear showing the email address that will receive the test mailshot. You can change this if desired.

Once you are happy with the settings press the ‘Send button. The test email will be sent to the request address.

6) Review and Send Mailshot

When you are happy with the layout and presentation of the mailshot you can click ‘Review & Send to send it.

This will bring up a page which confirms who you have chosen to email and the number of clients that will be emailed from this choice. You can either click the ‘Back button to make further edits to the Mailshot or click the ‘Send button to send the Mailshot out.

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