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I`m getting spam in my Inbox | |
Our basic email service is provided by MailEnable, and comes free with Spam Assassin, one of the world's leading anti-spam products. We also ensure it's kept as up to date as possible.
Anti-Spam isn't perfect Unfortunately no anti-spam system is perfect and never can be. For the following reasons:- 1) About 50% of email sent on the internet is spam and spammers constantly try and make their email look like real email, unfortunately no anti-spam service is 100% accurate at being able to tell the difference. 2) Not all email companies, businesses or IT providers use all the latest email standards to deal with anti-spam. This means when some people send you valid email you want to receive, their email will go into junk. So as such sometimes you can either get valid email going into junk, or junk mail going into your inbox. If you have valid emails going into your junk mail folder then:-
If you get the occassional item of spam going into your inbox
Are there any alternatives to your email service? Whilst you may have your website provided by us, you can always use a different provider for email should you wish. We've found through experience however that even the best services like Google's gmail anti-spam system isn't perfect either and you will likely have exactly the same problems with the junk mail filtering not being 100% accurate. The best alternative on the market would be Google's business email service. It's called Google Apps for business and you have to pay Google seperately for it. As well as email, they provide Drive cloud file storage, an online calendar that can syncronise with your phone, and much more. To find out more about Google Apps for business, please click here |
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